Design Advice

Balancing Act: Insights from a Part-Time Working Mom and Entrepreneur

Transitioning to part-time work has allowed me to balance my family, personal interests, and business. Discover my journey and tips for managing it all successfully.

Balancing Act: Insights from a Part-Time Working Mom and Entrepreneur

Finding Harmony in Work, Family, and Home

I'm excited that I've recently transitioned to a part-time working mom role. This decision has taken years of thoughtful consideration and planning. It allows me to invest more time in my family and personal interests while still dedicating myself to my passion for interior design for families and running my business. 

My Daily Life as a Part-Time Working Mom

Transitioning to a part-time working mom has been a rewarding yet challenging experience. When not working, I'm dedicated to cleaning my home, cooking homemade meals, maintaining my garden, and growing our food. Living in a 100-year-old house in Berkeley, California, means constant care and attention.

My Daily Life as a Part-Time Working Mom

Coordinating My Daughter's Life

My 3.5-year-old daughter keeps me on my toes with her various activities. I'm actively involved in educating and coordinating all aspects of her life, from extracurricular activities, wellness, cultural activities, and community involvement. Becoming a part-time working mom has allowed these to be regular and consistent. 

  • Scheduling and managing her classes.
  • Ensuring I attend every appointment and care for her when she's ill. 
  • Introducing her to arts and culture.
  • Teaching her the importance of giving back.
  • Exemplifying that a part-time working mom role is also an option for her future. 
Coordinating My Daughter

Finding Time for Myself

Balancing work and family life as a part-time working mom also means making time for myself. I love exercising, reading, journaling, and cultivating my photography hobby. I'm also in the process of writing a book, which has been a rewarding creative outlet. Working as a part-time working mom is a constant juggle, but it allows me to slow down and appreciate these moments.

Finding Time for Myself

Organizing Our Home and Business

Our home requires constant organization to keep it running smoothly and utilizing it as a virtual showroom and content backdrop. This includes tackling many loads of laundry and maintaining order in our living spaces. Practical organization is critical to creating a functional and pleasant home environment.

  • Keeping up with household chores.
  • Ensuring everything has its place.
  • Creating a space that works for our family and business.
Organizing Our Home and Business

The Challenges of a Part-Time Working Mom Role and Entrepreneurship

Working as a part-time working mom while managing a household, raising a child, and running a business is challenging. The world operates at a full-time and beyond speed, and slowing down is a skill that requires willpower and discipline. Building an online store and offering virtual and on-site consultations is a supportive step forward, allowing me to continue working and serving clients while maintaining a part-time schedule.

  • Managing time efficiently.
  • Practicing patience and discipline.
  • Offering convenient shopping for clients.
  • Providing personalized design advice virtually and on-site.
  • Navigating the challenges of running a business part-time.
The Challenges of a Part-Time Working Mom Role and Entrepreneurship

Personalized Expert Advice on Becoming A Part-Time Working Mom

Are you a working mom with entrepreneurial dreams as a part-time working mom? At ADL Interiors, I offer tailored virtual consultations to provide immediate, expert advice, helping you navigate your business journey confidently. Whether you're starting a new venture or expanding, my consultations ensure your strategies align with your vision. Let's turn your dreams into reality—schedule a consultation today and take confident steps towards your goals. Click below to get started!

Advice for Anyone Wanting to Transition to a Part-Time Working Mom

Transitioning from a full-time to a part-time working mom role while maintaining your career can be challenging, but it is possible with careful planning and determination. Here are some steps to help you reach that goal:

  1. Assess Your Financial Situation:  Determine if part-time work suits your financial needs. Create a budget to understand how the change will impact your income and expenses.
  2. Discuss with Your Family:  Approach your family with a well-thought-out plan. Highlight how you can continue to contribute effectively while working part-time. Flexibility and willingness to adjust your schedule can be crucial.
  3. Set Clear Boundaries:  Establish precise work hours and stick to them. This will help you manage your time better and ensure your part-time work does not spill over into your personal time.
  4. Prioritize Tasks:  Focus on the most critical tasks that add value to your work. Efficiently managing your workload will help you maintain productivity.
  5. Seek Support:  Connect with other part-time working mom individuals like me to share experiences and gain insights. Support from a community can provide valuable tips and encouragement.
  6. Evaluate and Adjust:  Regularly assess how the part-time arrangement works for you and your family. Be open to making adjustments as needed to find the right balance.
Advice for Anyone  Wanting to Transition to a Part-Time Working Mom

Building and Operating My Business as a Part-Tme Working Mom

Running ADL Interiors as a part-time working mom involves strategic planning and efficient time management. I am committed to delivering high-quality service and products to my clients, which requires dedication and passion.

  • Setting clear goals and priorities.
  • Maximizing productivity within limited hours.
  • Maintaining standards of excellence.
  • Driving the success of my business.
Building and Operating My Business as a Part-Tme Working Mom

I'm Grateful for Your Support

I am incredibly fortunate and grateful for all the support I've received in transitioning to a part-time working mom role. Thank you to all my supporters and the working parents who inspire and guide me. Your encouragement helps me navigate this balancing act with grace and confidence.


A Three Step Plan to Transitioning to a Part-Time Working Mom Role

Assess Financial Feasibility: I carefully evaluated our financial situation to ensure that transitioning to a part-time working mom role was feasible and sustainable for our family.

Discuss with Family: I approached my family with a well-thought-out plan, highlighting how I could continue contributing effectively while working part-time.

Set Clear Boundaries and Prioritize: To manage the transition smoothly, I established clear work hours, prioritized essential tasks, and sought support from my community.

Follow My Part-Time Working Mom Journey on Social Media

Stay connected and follow my journey as a part-time working mom and entrepreneur. Follow me on Instagram for daily updates, tips, and inspiration, and learn more about my story.

Personalized Expert Advice on Becoming A Part-Time Working Mom

Are you a working mom with entrepreneurial dreams? At ADL Interiors, I offer tailored virtual consultations to provide immediate, expert advice, helping you navigate your business journey confidently. Whether you're starting a new venture or expanding, my consultations ensure your strategies align with your vision. Let's turn your dreams into reality—schedule a consultation today and take confident steps towards your goals. Click below to get started!

Common Questions About Being A Part-Time Working Mom

"How did you decide to transition to a part-time working mom role?"

Transitioning to a part-time working mom role took years of thoughtful consideration and planning. I carefully evaluated my financial situation, discussed flexible work arrangements with my clients, and prioritized my personal and family needs. It wasn't an easy decision, but it has allowed me to focus more on my family and personal interests while continuing to run my business.

"How do you manage your time effectively between work, family, and personal interests?"

Time management is crucial. I set clear boundaries for work hours, prioritize my tasks, and focus on the most critical activities that add value. A structured schedule helps me balance my responsibilities and make time for myself. Regularly evaluating and adjusting my routine ensures I stay on track and meet my goals.

"What advice do you have for working parents considering a transition to a part-time working mom role?"

First, assess your financial situation to ensure that part-time work is feasible. Discuss your plans with your family and highlight how you can continue contributing effectively. Set clear boundaries and prioritize tasks to manage your workload efficiently. Seek support from other part-time working mom individuals like myself and be open to adjusting to find the right balance.

About The Author

Jacqueline Norrise

Jacqueline Norrise, founder of ADL Interiors, brings a wealth of experience from her time with top design firms and her flourishing practice in Berkeley. She has a talent for residential warmth, refined in her recent projects with young families. Jacqueline's innovative approach offers flexible, on-demand design support, empowering clients to take control of their projects while benefiting from her expert insights. With a focus on natural materials and client-led design, Jacqueline is dedicated to creating unique, personalized spaces that resonate deeply with her clients' lifestyles and values.

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